Cat Veterinarian Home 
  In The News
"Some people feel bad about feeding their cats the same thing every day, and they think the cat needs variety..."

"cats are creatures of habit and any changes in their environment can make them upset..."

"what cats really need are high-quality protein like duck, turkey or chicken and lots of water..."

"If you’re a cat-only person, you often take your cat just as seriously as you would a child..."

"At this time, Gordo is doing well with no observable lameness or recurrence two months post-operatively..."

  Health Articles
-General Feline
        Health Care
-Anal Sac Disease
-Cat Colds
-Dental Care
-Do Not Declaw
-Fecal Sample
-Feline Lower Urinary
        Tract Disease
-Have Cat. Can Travel
-Heart Disease
-Homecare Asthma
-Inflammatory Bowel
-Kidney Disease
-Liver Disease
-Ring Worm
-Upper Respiratory
-Urine Samples and
        how to get one
           Heartworm is a mosquito born parasite that until recently we thought only infected dogs in this part of the country. The southern U.S. has had a feline heartworm problem for years. These parasites grow to maturity in the heart, lungs and accompanying vessels. They are spaghetti like and 2-5 inches long. Infected dogs often have dozens. Recently studies have found feline heartworm in our area. This year, we have found several N.Y.C. cats that had heartworms. Usually, cats have only 1 to 4 worms, as cats are not a natural host for heartworms. However, even 1 heart worm can kill a cat precipitously.

           The more a cat is exposed to mosquitoes the more likely it is that it could become infected. Therefore, we consider cats that summer in shore areas – Fire Island, Long Island, Jersey Shore or Connecticut to be at increased risk, as well as any cat that has access to the outdoors. We have started to test all these cats and any cats with cardiopulmonary symptoms. It is probably going to be prudent to test all cats as, this disease in cats seems much under-diagnosed at present.

           The blood tests require only a small amount of blood. If your cat tests negative and is at risk, we can start a Preventative drug called “ Heartguard Chewable for Cats”. This reasonably palatable treat is given once per month for 6 months during mosquito season.

           Remember indoor cats are at risk too. Think of how many times you have heard that familiar buzzing whine in your bedroom at night.


The Cat Practice is located at 145 W 24th Street on the 3rd floor. Phone: 212-677-1401 Fax: 212-677-2088