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"Some people feel bad about feeding their cats the same thing every day, and they think the cat needs variety..."

"cats are creatures of habit and any changes in their environment can make them upset..."

"what cats really need are high-quality protein like duck, turkey or chicken and lots of water..."

"If you’re a cat-only person, you often take your cat just as seriously as you would a child..."

"At this time, Gordo is doing well with no observable lameness or recurrence two months post-operatively..."

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        Tract Disease
-Have Cat. Can Travel
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        how to get one
           At some point in their lives most cats require treatment for dental disease. Obviously, prophylactic dental care can save your cat discomfort and you money. When we recommend dentistry it is to try to save the teeth, but even more importantly it is to prevent secondary diseases from developing.

           Diseases secondary to untreated dental disease in order of decreasing frequency:

1. Pyorrhea – severe bacterial gum disease

2. Tooth root abscesses

3. Severe refractive sinusitis as the molar’s root infection spreads to the sinus above it.

4. Vegetative endocarditis – spread of bacterial infection to heart valves.

5. Septicemia – body wide infection

           Admittedly, the last two of these are very rare, but one thing clients report is that often after we do a dentistry on cats with a “bad mouth”, the cats act much happier, eat better and aren’t killing guest with their breath.

           Dentistries are generally performed under light anesthesia or heavy sedation Tuesday through Fridays. The patient is dropped off between 8:15 and 10:30. Your cat must not eat after midnight the night before drop off. Water is o.k. up until you leave home. This is to prevent vomiting and inhalation of vomitus during anesthesia.

           You can pick up you cat generally between 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Please call between 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. to set up a discharge time. Your cat may be uncoordinated, drowsy or have a poor appetite for 24 hours. There might also be transient bloody drool. If troublesome symptoms persist please call.


The Cat Practice is located at 145 W 24th Street on the 3rd floor. Phone: 212-677-1401 Fax: 212-677-2088